
Clinical Evaluation of Ayurvedic Drug (Sameer Pannag Rasa & Vardhmana Pippali Ksheerapaka) in the Management of Amavata (Rheumatoid Arthritis)

Abstract   Diseases of Bone and joints are very common and take a considerable toll. A number of formulations are being practiced for the treatment of bone and joints disorders. Amavata (Rheumatoid Arthritis) is a chronic systemic inflammatory disorder, which affects the joints of the body causing painful swelling in them. It makes life miserable and crippling due to unknown causation, claiming the maximum loss of human working power. A randomized single blind clinical trial was conducted at Central Research Institute(Ay.),Mumbai(India).80 cases with involvement of joints having clinical features of Amavata were selected and diagnosis was confirmed on the basis of “American college of rheumatology” criteria and also as per the  protocol advocated by Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha, New-Delhi.  Almost all cases whichever completed the treatment, got improvment in their signs and symptoms. Statistically, result shows highly significant (p<0.001). Hence, the Ayurvedic drugs Sameera  pannaga rasa & Vardhmana pippali ksheerpaka are found to be effective with least adverse effects and toxicity in the management of Amavata(Rheumatoid Arthritis). Key words: Amavata, Rheumatoid arthritis, Ayurveda.